journalist and hobby photographer

Ethan Edward Coston

Ethan Coston (he/they) is an award-winning journalist and hobby photographer based in Washington, DC. He's currently an associate editor for The American Independent, a progressive nonprofit digital news outlet, where he works with reporters covering local news across four states.

Ethan was previously a government reporter for Spotlight PA, where he covered democracy and extremism. Before that he was an assistant news editor and managing editor for The Triton, UC San Diego's independent digital student newspaper, where he covered campus, local, and state government. Ethan sued the University of California system twice for withholding public records, which resulted in multiple investigations into sexual misconduct on campus. One of the stories won a San Diego SPJ award in 2020.

Ethan covered college mental health and the 2020 election as an inagural College Journalism Network fellow at CalMatters. He has experience with website management and WordPress site design.

Ethan's work has been published by outlets including The North Coast Current, Voice of San Diego, and Prism.

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